5 Simple Things You Can Do Now To Prepare For A Storm

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Preparing for storm season is vital to protect your home. Here are five simple things you can do now to prepare for a storm and help reduce damage to your property this coming storm season.

1. Secure or store away outside items that could blow around in strong winds

Even large items such as outdoor furniture, trampolines, roofs and cars can be lifted or damaged in strong winds. Aim to tidy items in your backyard so you are aware of the location of potential hazards if strong winds or a severe storm is forecast. We encourage storing all loose items around your property, indoors or keep them tied down. 

You may like to include this information in your plan (refer to point five). Storms can affect your home even if you’re on holiday, so if you are planning to go away, consider securing these items.

2.Clean out gutters, downpipes and drains regularly

 Keeping your gutters and downpipes clear is important as blockages can cause water to overflow under the eaves and into the roof cavity. Focus on clearing the leaves from the valleys of your roof, as these will make their way into the gutters in heavy rain. 

Keep the drains around your property clear to help surface water move away and prevent water from pooling and entering your property. This included moving any pot plants or furniture that may be covering the drains.

3.Trim trees and branches that could potentially fall on your roof or car during a storm

Your safety is important so we recommend contacting a qualified (and insured) arborist or tree surgeon for advice if necessary. Have a qualified arborist inspect trees every 2-3yrs to identify any preventative action necessary. Root damage is a major cause of tree failure so take care when digging or excavating around trees. Remember to park your car away from trees if strong winds and severe storms are predicted.

We recommend checking with your local council about any guidelines or required consent applications.

4. Fix any roof damage

We recommend checking your roof* for major damage once a year or after major weather events such as storms or hail. If this hasn't been done, now is a perfect time. If needed, fix any cracked, broken, displaced or damaged sheeting or tiles. Dirt buildup should be removed as it can block the drainage channels on the underside of tiles. 

Check inside your roof space. Light shining through may indicate that your roof or sarking (waterproof insulation membrane) is damaged.

5. Make a Home Emergency Plan for your family that outlines what you would do in an emergency

Consider where you’ll go and how you’ll get in contact with each other along with any special circumstances or considerations for your household. Remember that storms and other emergencies can happen at any time of day so think about where members of your household may be (school, work, commuting), how you’ll get in touch with them and where you can meet up. Try to identify how you will manage in these circumstances and who you may be able to get additional support from. Make sure that everyone knows what the plan is.

If you would like to learn more about electrical safety in your home, get in touch with the Ehlerth Electrical team on 1800 940 413 or make an enquiry here. We service clients from South East Queensland.

*Please note, working on a roof is dangerous so we recommend you contact an expert tradesperson to conduct these damage checks.