working from home

4 Signs Your Air-Conditioner Might Be Due For A Professional Clean


Cleaning the air-conditioner is important for maintaining good air quality in the office or home. Filters inside air-conditioners are designed to catch dust and sometimes other pollutants such as pollen and bacteria. If not cleaned regularly, they can clog up and collect moisture and even mould. This can be detrimental to both the occupants of the office or household and the efficiency of the unit. Generally, a professional service involves the removal and cleaning of the filters and a maintenance check or repair on the internal systems. All units are different and require a different method of cleaning, which is why it is important to book in a professional.

As some workplaces across Australia are preparing for a return to work and workplace health is our top priority, there is no better time to check up on the air-conditioner. If you notice any of the following 5 signs, then your unit is most likely due for a professional clean.

1. It’s been a long time coming

Rule-of-thumb is that every 12 months the unit should have a professional clean. This generally occurs after the warmer months when the unit has been frequently used. If it has been longer than the recommended time there is a possibility the unit has clogged filters. This doesn’t only impact the air quality, it also puts more strain on the air-conditioner. If this is the case for your workplace or home and to prevent this from happening in the future, it’s time to organise a routine cleaning schedule.

2. Dust, dust & more dust

Dust develops as a build-up of things like dust mites, pollen and bacteria. If dust is left within the filters of the air-conditioner, it may be more hazardous for your health than you might expect. As there is commonly a lot of moisture around a unit, this can become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria or potentially mould. If these particles are circulating around the office it may lead to minor health issues, especially for those with allergies. Be sure to check the Queensland Government’s factsheet on any potential health risks related to dust. A visual check for dust levels around the unit will help decide if you need to book in a clean sooner than the 12-month routine-check.

3. Health concerns

If staff or household members have had the following complaints associated with poor air quality from circulating contaminated air, then it is time for a thorough clean. Below is a list of common symptoms according to the Queensland Government.

  1. Asthma attacks and allergies such as hayfever

  2. Sore, dry eyes

  3. Flu-like symptoms or frequent colds

  4. Respiratory problems

  5. Headaches

4. Efficiency is at an all-time low

A build-up of dust can lead to bad airflow, poor performance and reduced efficiency. You can monitor this if you notice a higher energy bill in comparison to previous quarters with similar system use or if you notice a performance decrease. When the filters inside your air-conditioner are due for a clean, the system has to work harder and it draws more power to push the air through the filters. A professional deep clean will make sure that there are no nasty particles or mould in your air-conditioning unit and also improve the energy efficiency of your system!

For further assistance with all of your commercial electrical needs, get in touch with the Ehlerth Electrical team via 1800 940 413 or make an enquiry here. We service clients from Brisbane to the Gold Coast.

Ways to Reduce Your Energy Usage When Working From Home


With more people working from home to help slow the spread of Coronavirus, thousands of Australians will see an increase in their energy usage. This increase will be caused by using home appliances more often than we would if we were to leave the house for work. According to Energy Networks Australia, if you are spending 8 hours a day in a home office and have an average of two people working, your electricity bill is likely to double. With this significant change on the horizon, it’s important to understand the small, simple measures you can take to help keep costs down. 

Whether you are just starting out or have been working at home for a while now, these small measures could see huge savings. Below we have outlined our five ways to help reduce energy usage when working from home.

1. Turn energy-draining appliances off at the wall

To better help reduce energy consumption let’s look at the appliances said to consume the most energy with increased use. According to Energy Australia, the energy used by appliances that are plugged into an ‘on’ power outlet and not in use, can cost up to an extra $100 each year. In the home office, these appliances include desktops, lamps, printers and scanners. When you have finished using these appliances, at the end of the day be sure to shut them down and switch them off at the wall. For your ceiling lighting, air conditioners and heaters, turn off when you are not occupying the room.

2. Utilise home automation

We understand that some households have increase traffic during this time and these energy-saving tasks can be difficult to achieve. To combat this, we suggest utilising smart home devices. Setting up your home automation device to turn the lights off at a certain time each day will ensure you are saving energy where possible- without having to physically do it yourself. If home automation isn’t accessible to your household, a sticky note near the exit door reminding you to switch off the light works great too.

3. Make a switch

Identifying the cost of energy-draining appliances can help when making the switch to more energy-efficient options within the home. For every $1 spent on energy, you will get 2 hours of heating or cooling using a split-cycle air conditioner or 20 hours using a portable fan or ceiling fan. It will also get you 55 hours of incandescent lighting or 550 hours of LED lighting. Considering we can spend up to 8 hours a day in the home office, using the ceiling fan over the air conditioner, where possible, will lead to potentially huge savings.

4. Adjust the temperature

Once you have identified how much your split-cycle air conditioner is costing, consider making slight adjustments to the way you use it. As we prepare for the cooler days coming into Winter, your energy bill will skyrocket if you have the heater on for the entire day. To avoid this, start by reducing the heat loss in your home by closing the doors. In the southern states, we understand it can get quite cold so if you need to use the heater we recommend adjusting the temperature. For example, adjusting the temperature from 18℃ or 19℃ rather than 20℃ or 22℃ means you’ll barely notice the comfort level and your heater won’t have to work as hard. By doing so, households can potentially see up to a 10% saving on the power bill.

5. Invest in appliances with a higher energy rating

If you have the option to do so or looking to replace old appliances, investing in a more energy-efficient option will deliver long-term benefits. Energy-efficient appliances are designed to utilise minimum energy to complete the required task. As you are using more energy elsewhere such as desktops and printers, think about switching out the long-standing appliances such as fridges and washing machines. Opt for energy ratings of a 5.5 star for fridges and a 5 or 6 star rating for a washing machine.

For further assistance with all of your electrical needs, get in touch with the Ehlerth Electrical team via 1800 940 413 or make an enquiry here. We service clients from Brisbane to the Gold Coast.